If your child is signing up with a friend, please include that in the notes. Participant Name* Birth date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Grade level* I give permission for my child to attend cooking classes, workshops or camps @ Foodie Kids Austin. I understand that personal injury can and may occur to my child, and I hereby authorize Foodie Kids manager or owner to seek and consent to emergency medical attention for my child as needed; and I further agree to be liable for and to pay all costs incurred with such medical attention. I hereby release Foodie Kids and its employees, agents and volunteers, from all liability, claims, demands, causes of action and possible causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury (including death) that may be sustained by my child while participating in or traveling to and from this event.Printed Name of Parent or Guardian* First Last This is your electronic signature.Date MM slash DD slash YYYY EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATIONName First Last PhoneAlternate Name First Last PhonePhysician Name First Last PhoneHEALTH INFORMATION 1. Does your child have any food allergies and provide severity (do you need to provide an EPI pen, diabetic monitoring, etc.) and tell us how Foodie Kids staff needs to follow through. 2. Does your child need to be given any medication during their time at Foodie Kids? 3. Does your child have any food restrictions that may or may not be related to allergies? 4. Does your child need any special attention (from our staff) to provide additional one-to one interaction, such as for Downs Syndrome, hyperactivity, autism, etc.? If so, please provide that information and our staff will follow-up with a phone call to discuss details so that we may provide the most positive experience for your child.List Issues Here:PHOTO RELEASE* Accept Do Not Accept I hereby authorize Foodie Kids to use photographs or video taken of my child in its business, including in Foodie Kids’ printed publications, advertisements, website, social media, and other digital or print media. I acknowledge that I am the legal guardian of my child, that this consent is voluntary, and that neither myself nor my child will receive any financial compensation for any use of his or her likeness. I further agree that Foodie Kids’ use of my child’s likeness does not confer any rights of ownership upon me or my child whatsoever. I release Foodie Kids, its owners, affiliates, contractors and employees from liability for any claims by me, my child, or any third party in connection with the use of my child’s likeness by Foodie Kids.